ARRESTS OF PANJSHIRIS IN KABUL – Residents of the Khair Khana, Shahr-e-Naw, and Sarai Shamali neighborhoods in Kabul have reported several arrests being made over the last twenty-four hours. The arrests appear to have been targeted as select houses, guest houses, and apartments were visited by Taliban security forces. The bulk of the arrests targeted people from Panjshir. Current reports indicate that upwards of 100 people have been detained. There is no information regarding the charges made against those who were arrested and their whereabouts are currently unknown. Additional arrests (50) have been reported in the Abshar District of Panjshir and are attributed to retaliation for the killing of 2 Taliban security personnel in the District. Violence against non-combatants has been reported in Panjshir as well but the details are currently not known.. At-risk Afghans in the targeted neighborhoods of Kabul are reminded to avoid wearing traditional clothing from Panjshir in the meantime.
ARRESTS OF HAZARAS IN KABUL – Hazara communities have also been targeted by the Taliban for arrest over the previous twenty-four hours. Local reports say that more than 80 youths have been detained for using Twitter. It is not clear if those reputedly under arrest were targeted specifically or if they were arrested after random phone searches at Taliban checkpoints. The whereabouts of those reportedly under arrest are currently unknown.
AFGHAN WOMAN KILLED BY SECURITY FORCES IN IRAN – A young Afghan woman identified as Setara Tajik was reportedly killed by Iranian security forces in Tehran. Reporting out of Iran did not provide details surrounding the incident but had obtained a copy of the death certificate which attributed the cause of death to multiple blows to the head. The Taliban have not commented on the death.
RUMORS SWIRL ABOUT TOLO NEWS CHIEF – Khlvak Safi, the head of the popular news site, TOLO News is rumored to have left the country. While we have not verified the information there has been growing unease among journalists and news staff over the current information law that is being considered by the Taliban. Mr. Safi has faced criticism over the past year for being seen as supportive of the Taliban regime. However, those close to him have continually pushed back on these claims and have stated in his defense that there was simply no other way to continue operations.
RESISTANCE ATTACKS ON TALIBAN IN KABUL – Reports arrived just before our publication deadline of an attack carried out against a Taliban convoy North of Kabul. The Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the alleged attacks and stated they killed 5 Taliban security personnel. We will update the Conflict Tracker tomorrow if the information is confirmed.
POTENTIAL FOR MORE ARRESTS OF PANJSHIRIS AND HAZARAS – While the exact reason for the spate of recent arrests in Kabul and Panjshir is unknown, it seems clear the Taliban have launched a sizable security operation and at-risk Afghans should expect to see more arrests and search operations in Kabul. Previous reporting had indicated the Taliban was vigorously scrutinizing social media platforms for potential information about dissidents who have made anti-Taliban remarks. While we do not know if this information is being used to target individuals, we continue to urge at-risk Afghans to sanitize their social media accounts during this period of heightened insecurity.
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Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 85.98 AFN (as of 15 OCT 2022)