RESISTANCE FORCES POWER STRUGGLE – Several sources close to the NRF have said internal squabbling has afflicted the movement over the past month and the infighting has affected its ability to carry out operations against the Taliban. It is not clear how many factions there currently are and who is leading each. However, sources say the NRF has squandered the last of the good weather for the fighting season due to the internal strife. A large-scale offensive had long been rumored to have been planned which would have involved NRF offensives in four Provinces. It does not appear likely this offensive will take place and the internal divisions may have played a part in the delays.
TALIBAN RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS DIVIDED OVER GOVERNANCE APPROACH – After the Loya Jirga earlier in the year, the majority of the Taliban’s religious scholars seemed to be marching in step with the regime. However, sources now say that many are openly critical of the way the Taliban is governing the country. The chief complaint (according to sources) is corruption and theft of public funds by several high-profile Taliban leaders. The scholars say they have been informed by several Gulf State banking institutions that millions of dollars have been deposited on behalf of these leaders and much of it was derived from public funds. The sources say that several blocs are forming among the scholars and private meetings have been held to figure out a way to have those culpable of corruption, removed from public service. However, sources agreed the scholars are frightened of invoking the wrath of the Supreme Leader and his cabal of clerics in Kandahar.
POSSIBLE CHEMICAL WEAPONS RELEASE FROM A WAREHOUSE IN KABUL – A source tied to the Ministry of Defense said they were investigating a potential chemical “cloud” that was released from a warehouse near an unidentified University in Kabul. The cloud caused a group of approximately twenty laborers who were working nearby to become sick and had difficulty breathing. The Taliban escorted several ambulances to the area and evacuated the sick workers to an undisclosed location. It is believed that many, if not all, had died. The source said leaders in the Ministry of Defense seemed to be unaware of any weapons programs that might be seeking to develop chemical weapons and were concerned it was a terrorist group or another faction of the Taliban. A search of the warehouse did not take place as it was said to be owned by an unidentified senior Taliban leader.
KAPISA HOUSE SEARCHES PROBABLE – The ALF has been steadily increasing the size of its attacks in Kapisa. It has gotten to the point where the Taliban have decided to take action and have dismissed the local Commander’s assurances that the situation is under control. Kabul is dispatching several GDI agents and additional fighters to try and root out the ALF in the Province and negate any further threats. While the searches will likely start today, they are expected to continue for several days/weeks.
The Iranian government has admitted to supplying Russia with drones.
Iran’s president has claimed it has defeated a US plan to destabilize the country. Says Iranian cities are now safe and secure.
Iranian security forces have increased their presence on University campuses and believe they will be able to halt the demonstrations with a show of force across the nation.
Khan says he will recommence the Long March in 2 to 3 days.
Khan supporters arrested by police in Karachi.
China and Saudi Arabia announced a joint economic bailout package totaling $13 Billion dollars.
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Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 88.27 AFN (as of 6 NOV 2022)