UPDATE ON AFGHANISTAN/PAKISTAN BORDER CLASH AT SPIN BOLDAK-CHAMAN – The death toll from the cross-border conflict now stands at 3 Taliban dead and 8 Pakistani police and military killed. 1 Pakistani soldier was captured and 1 Taliban border guard is wounded. Adding to yesterday’s reporting, it has been confirmed that a second clash took place. The crossing has been closed indefinitely until the Pakistani demand of handing over the Taliban border guard who is thought to have initiated the violence is met. Both countries have reinforced security on their respective sides of the border and a local source observed heavy artillery being moved into supporting positions on the Pakistan side. Several aircraft have also been observed patrolling the Pakistan side of the border.
SHARIA LAW HAS COME – The Supreme Leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, has empowered Taliban judges to enforce the tenets of Sharia Law in their future decisions. While specifics were not made available regarding punishments, Akhundzad apparently gave the green light to many of the more drastic punishments. A source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said he fears the judges will adhere to the Hanbali legal approach to appease the Taliban's old guard. The Hanbali doctrine is considered the most restrictive school of thought and often applies the more barbaric punishments. It is also familiar to the Taliban and was used under their previous stint in power. Another source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs opined that the move would make dialogue with even sympathetic regional partners much more difficult and could prompt a reduction in international aid. He went on to say the announcement had been timed to coincide with the opening of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation office in Kabul.
POWER INTERRUPTIONS FROM UZBEKISTAN – The Breshna Electricity Company has said that one of the power lines from Uzbekistan has been cut. The Company claimed it was due to a technical issue but a source in the Ministry of Finance said that villagers near the line reported an explosion and the power cut may be due to sabotage. With the weather turning colder, reliable power supplies will be critical for survival. The Taliban had implemented armed security patrols along the National grid after Resistance forces had destroyed several pylons earlier in the year but the men and vehicles were pulled for service in Panjshir, Takhar, and Badakhshan over a month ago.
THE STANDOFF AT SPIN BOLDAK-CHAMAN – While we assess an escalation of hostilities as low, there is significant firepower parked on the Pakistani side of the border and it seems clear now that the Taliban may have initiated the crisis. In past cross-border incidents, the crossings remain closed for a few days and then opened back up. This case seems to be different and at-risk Afghans who may have planned to use the crossing for travel are urged to consider using the Torkham gate instead.
THE CENTRAL BANK AUCTION – The DAB intends to auction another $13 million today.
The EU imposed sanctions on the Chief of the Revolutionary Guard, the Air Force, and a company involved in the manufacture of drones for playing a role in supplying Russian forces with materiel.
Ousted Prime Minister Khan withdrew his claim that the United States had planned his removal.
Pakistani military in an elevated security status after the clashes on the border with Taliban forces.
America Did Not Cause Afghanistan’s Collapse
By Arwin Rahi - The National Interest
The Afghans who benefitted from U.S. presence in Afghanistan have been bashing Zalmay Khalilzad, the former U.S. Special Envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation, ever since he signed the Doha Agreement with the Taliban on February 29, 2020, which paved the way for the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. The government of President Ashraf Ghani collapsed less than eighteen months after the signing of the agreement and the Afghans accuse Khalilzad—acting on behalf of the U.S. government—of betraying the former Afghan government (or the Republic, as some call it), and facilitating the Taliban’s return to power. Had the United States not signed the Doha Agreement, the argument goes, the Ghani government would still be in power today.
Supreme leader orders Sharia law be fully implemented in Afghanistan
By Charisa Bossinakis - UNILAD
Afghanistan’s supreme leader, Haibatullah Akhundzad, has ordered judges to fully enforce Sharia law in the…
Taliban Arrests Young Man for Criticizing the Group on Social Media
By 8am
In an interview on Monday, sources said the young man was arrested for criticizing lawlessness in the…
Afghanistan: Rights group calls for release of jailed women rights defenders
On November 4, the Taliban detained women human rights defenders Zarifa Yaqoobi and her colleagues during…
Pakistan ‘Indefinitely’ Halts Afghan Trade via Key Border Point
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Central Bank: Over $1.5 Billion in Cash Aid Received Since Political Change
By Bibi Amina Amina Hakimi - TOLO News
The international community has provided more than $1.5 billion in cash to Afghanistan since the Islamic Emirate swept into…
UNAMA says rights of all Afghans who return should be protected
By Ariana News
The UN special envoy for Afghanistan Roza Otunbayeva, in continuation of her meetings with the officials of the Islamic Emirate, this time met with…
Taliban Calls on Academics to Return, Says Life of Poverty at Home Is Better Than Life Abroad
By Saqalain Eqbal - Khaama Press
Mawlawi Mohammad Neda Nadim, the Taliban’s acting minister of higher education, said in a videotape aired on Afghanistan National Television…
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 88.51 AFN (as of 15 NOV 2022)