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Exclusive Content from our open source intel analysis, Whispers.
Whispers is an intelligence and analysis column focused on post-democratic Afghanistan
Iranian Conspiracy Theories
Iran rarely misses an opportunity to ridicule the US and NATO. State-controlled media remained curiously tempered and pragmatic in the early months of the new Taliban regime. Unsure of how they wanted to engage with the nascent regime, the government in Tehran was cautious with their rhetoric and stance toward the Taliban, instead spending the bulk of their time making oratorical victory laps highlighting defeat of the United States.
Multiple engagements between the Taliban and the National Resistance Front were reported over the last 24 hours (see Conflict Tracker b for details). Sources say the NRF is probing the Taliban in anticipation of wider combat operations in the coming week.
The Taliban’s electric works department has extended their estimate for the restoration of power by an additional week. While power has returned to parts of Kabul, sources say there continue to be intermittent outages around the city. Taliban sources claim they have observed “terrorists” scouting the repair site but have not been fired upon to date.
There is speculation that Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada’s speech to mark Eid al-Fitr may have been staged. An accurate photo of Akhundzada delivering his address has not been shared. Furthermore, there are multiple reports that the entire speech was played over a loudspeaker, so it may have been pre-recorded. Such speculation continues to fuel rumors that he was killed months ago (see here for more info), and the Taliban are using voice recordings and a lookalike standin for these events. We have no definitive information supporting these theories, but social media has exploded with comments since the speech was made.
Iran continues to call for increased security for its diplomatic missions in Afghanistan after the recent bombing attacks. An unnamed source claims a “definite threat” has been received by the Iranian authorities and that Tehran is incensed that the Taliban have failed to reinforce security around its consulates and Embassy.
The Taliban dispersed a message to all military and police units to prepare for increased combat operations “in all parts of the Emirate.” An unnamed foreign dignitary provided the Ministry of the Interior with evidence of increased radio traffic and imagery (either satellite or drone) showing increased troop movement attributed to the NRF. In response, the Taliban leadership has placed its fighting units on heightened alert.
A rumor began circulating today that the Taliban have been authorized to publicly flog any Afghan who appears to still be fasting in contradiction to the Taliban decree about the new date for Eid al-Fitr. We have no official corroboration of this rumor.
An announcement is expected soon about the airport agreements in Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, Kandahar, and Herat with the Qatar-Turk consortium. We have no advance knowledge of what the agreement contains.
REMINDER: Increased security at Taliban checkpoints is expected to continue over the course of the coming week. At-risk Afghans are advised to continue minimizing unnecessary travel.
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 85.99 AFN (as of 2 MAY 2022)
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