CABINET PROBE STRIKES FEAR INTO MANY AFGHANS – In a unanimous vote, the Taliban cabinet agreed to launch an investigation into all official contracts that had been signed over the past 20 years. It was not immediately clear if the probe would solely focus on government contracts or would also scrutinize private agreements. Understandably, the announcement has many who remain in Afghanistan nervous. A source who ran a contracting service during the previous regime said that “So many dollars were being flown into Bagram Air Base on American planes that Afghans couldn’t help themselves.” People who had dealings with the US and coalition forces believe they will be targeted and, whether evidence of culpability is found or not, they expect harsh punishments will be meted out by the Taliban. The sheer volume of waste and incompetence by US officials during the Afghanistan War is legendary and the volumes of SIGAR reports that have been filed over the years testify to the corruption that was allowed (some would say - encouraged) to take place. A former construction business owner said that, “No matter what is investigated, or who. The Taliban will use this to settle scores and embarrass those of us who worked for the occupiers.” Such an investigation is a monumental task and it is not clear how well-equipped the Taliban is to conduct forensic accounting on the scale required for this kind of investigation. However, it is likely that whatever results will be made into a public spectacle.
THE UNITED KINGDOM HAS CUT AID TO AFGHANISTAN BY OVER 50% DUE TO BUDGET CUTS – The Independent Commission for Aid Impact reported the budget forecasted for Afghanistan in 2023-24 came in at 100 million pounds. The previous year’s budget was 246 million pounds. The watchdog accused the government of turning its back on the Afghans.
FACEBOOK SCAMMER ARRESTED IN KHOST – An unidentified man was arrested by Taliban security forces for reputedly impersonating a young girl and conning another man into paying him over 5 million Afghanis. Police did not say if the scam involved immoral promises but the individual who reported the crime was reportedly questioned about his messaging activity and is being forced to visit an Imam.
INDIAN ARMY INTERCEPTS DRUG SHIPMENT AT BORDER THAT ORIGINATED IN AFGHANISTAN – A drone carrying 15.5 kgs of unidentified narcotics was shot down by Indian border security forces in the Panjab Armritsar sector. The drone came from Pakistan and a spokeswoman said the narcotics had originated from Afghanistan.
FORMER PM KHAN SAYS HIS HOUSE IS SURROUNDED, ARREST IS IMMINENT – The former PM issued several Tweets about threats of arrest. While a military detachment did cordon off his home, this was reportedly a response to a demand to turn over approximately 30-40 PTI followers who took part in arson and vandalism at military bases. A spokesman for the acting Punjab government said that no arrest warrant had been issued and that police and military forces would honor the High Court’s order that he remain free until 1400hrs local time on Thursday. After the Army roped off Khan’s residence, several PTI supporters began gathering in and around Zaman Park. The situation could rapidly deteriorate after the 1400hrs deadline passes today.
Rumors circulated in select online news sites say that joint US/Israel planning sessions have been proposed to prepare for military action in Iran. This information has not been confirmed but Iranian media has picked up the story.
Human rights groups and family members are standing vigils for 3 condemned protestors who await execution for convictions related to the demonstrations in late 2022. The men are being held at Dasgerd Prison and security forces have been doubled around the facility.
Russia and Iran sign a $1.6 billion dollar deal to build a railway from Russia to the Suez Canal.
Multiple police actions were reported around the country as the Government continued to round up PTI leaders and those suspected of vandalism and arson during last week's riots. It is unclear how many have been detained to this point.
The Government shrugged off criticisms about trying PTI protestors under military law. Plans are being made to go ahead with the trials.
Residents of Charbagh (Swat) demonstrated in the streets after a policeman fired on a school bus Tuesday, killing 1 child and wounding several other people.
The Islamic case for freeing Afghan women
By The Christian Science Monitor
For women in many Muslim countries, change for the better is now the norm. In Turkey, an election last Sunday saw a record number of women (20%) elected to parliament. Women in Iran are in permanent protest by flouting rules on female head covering. In Saudi Arabia, women can now drive and travel more freely. Such trends may help explain why the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation is on a mission. As the collective voice of the Muslim world, the OIC wants to persuade the Taliban, who returned to power in Afghanistan 17 months ago, to ease off harsh rules on girls and women.
Efforts ongoing for Afghans to run aviation services: officials
By Ariana News
The Ministry of Transport said on Wednesday that efforts are ongoing for Afghans to manage airport services around…
The Afghan questions: What do Afghans think about past, present, and future?
By Eureporter
Recent reports indicate that Afghanistan is confronting its vilest humanitarian predicament since the Taliban captured power…
Citizens Concerned by Surge in Medicine Prices
By Hadia Ziaei - TOLO News
The high price of medicines is causing concern among citizens, who say they are not able to afford their…
Amirabdollahian Presses Taliban To Supply Iran’s Water Share
By Tasnim News Agency
In a telephone conversation with the acting head of Afghanistan’s Foreign Ministry Amir Khan Muttaqi on Wednesday, Amirabdollahian said the Taliban government is…
China's deepening influence in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
By Sabena Siddiqui - The New Arab
Having mediated successfully between Iran and Saudi Arabia in March, China is now setting its sights on more…
Afghan families traverse most of Latin America to seek asylum at the US border
By Manuel Rueda - The World
Abdul Bais hung a leather briefcase over his shoulder, as he got ready to board a speedboat in Necocli, a town near Colombia’s border with…
Blinken backs down, will let Congress see Afghan dissent cable that warned of swift Taliban takeover
By Peter Kasperowicz - FOX News
The State Department announced Wednesday that it would allow lawmakers to view the "dissent channel cable" that was signed by 23 staffers and…
Blacklisted by UN and accused of organising 2007 atrocity: Meet Afghanistan’s new prime minister
By Arpan Rai - The Independent
Taliban leader has been accused of collecting money from drug…
‘Another feather in that cap.’ TAD Staff
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 87.45 AFN (as of 18 MAY 2023)