Money exchanges have reopened after a short strike over newly imposed fees implemented by the Taliban.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) opened its Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) meeting in India. The security situation in Afghanistan is expected to dominate much of the three-day conference.
The new processing center at Torkham Gate was opened. We are waiting on additional information concerning any new procedures that may be in place for travelers heading to Pakistan.
Representatives from the Pakistani military and ISI continued talks with the TTP in Kabul. Sources state former ISI chief Lieutenant General Faziz Hameed arrived at the Serena Hotel to help get the talks back on track. The Taliban have a large security force present at the Serena Hotel, but at-risk Afghans are encouraged to avoid the area until the talks are concluded, especially since the ceasefire between the Pakistani government and TTP has expired with no signs of an extension yet.
Russian advisors are expected to visit the Tajik border to make a security assessment after the recent skirmish.
The Taliban are thought to be planning counterattacks in the North with the focus again being on newly established NRF checkpoints along roads. Travel will be dangerous in the region.
Verified reports of Taliban fighters killed in action over the past 10 days in the North were intercepted by contacts close to Ministry of the Interior personnel. The casualty list was derived from transportation orders which were issued to return the bodies of the fallen to their families. This is not a full count of recent Taliban casualties since the numbers do not take into account bodies that could not be recovered after battles with Resistance forces.
Approximately 700 Taliban fighters are estimated to be seriously wounded, and the Resistance claims to currently hold approximately 300 prisoners. We have no estimate for the number who may be missing in action.
Figures for Resistance casualties are currently being assessed.
*NOTE TO OUR READERS: Unless explicitly stated, casualty figures should be assumed to be imprecise. Reporting casualty figures is notoriously difficult. We do our best to find accurate figures but belligerents are prone to underreporting and/or exaggeration. We also try to be respectful of the dead, regardless of their allegiance.
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 87.86 AFN (as of 17 MAY 2022)
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