NOTE TO OUR READERS: Several disturbing reports about killings of non-combatants arrive each day. Some we have verified are false and seem to be meant as propaganda.
Sadly, many others appear to be true and are verified by multiple sources, normally including photographic evidence. We will continue to include these incidents in the Conflict Tracker as we hope it will act as a record going forward and keep Afghans informed about the situation.
Many reports continue to be sent claiming the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) are operating in Andarab, Panjshir, and Takhar specifically. While the numbers vary, an average of the reporting suggests they could number as many as 1,000. We have not yet confirmed the presence of any TTP.
Personnel from the Ministry of the Interior have begun investigating college professors who have been reported of previously harassing pro-Taliban students. No further information is available at this time.
We have received several reports of more house-to-house searches in Tajik neighborhoods in Kabul over the last 24 hours. Little information is known about what the Taliban is looking for, but several teams have been filmed making targeted stops.
Video surveillance cameras at the main entrance points of Kabul have been reconnected and are functioning again. Sources observed new generators being delivered to Taliban checkpoints where cameras had been installed under the previous regime. It is unclear if the central monitoring station at the Ministry of the Interior is receiving footage from the newly reconnected cameras at this point. Kabul continues to deal with power outages from the attack on the power lines several weeks ago, which may impact camera function.
THREAT ALERT: We expect the targeted house searches reported in Kabul to continue for the next few days. Most households that have reportedly been searched are occupied by ethnic Tajiks and seem to be in Tajik neighborhoods. While not enough information is available to be conclusive, we do believe the searches are related to the fighting in the North. At-risk Afghans should take notice and be prepared.
Pakistani engineering units began fence building operations in the previous 24 hours. However, work soon stopped, and it is believed the new Pakistani regime wants to hold off while the prospect for potential peace talks with the TTP are in the works. The TTP stated it would honor a short cease-fire until the 16th of May to raise issues with representatives of the new government.
Mobile phone data reveal the effects of violence on internal displacement in Afghanistan
By Xiao Hui Tai, Shikhar Mehra, Joshua Blumenstock – Nature Human Behavior
Nearly 50 million people globally have been internally displaced due to conflict, persecution and human rights violations. However, the study of internally displaced persons—and the design of policies to assist them—is complicated by the fact that these people are often underrepresented in surveys and official statistics. We develop an approach to measure the impact of violence on internal displacement using anonymized high-frequency mobile phone data. We use this approach to quantify the short- and long-term impacts of violence on internal displacement in Afghanistan, a country that has experienced decades of conflict. Our results highlight how displacement depends on the nature of violence. High-casualty events, and violence involving the Islamic State, cause the most displacement. Provincial capitals act as magnets for people fleeing violence in outlying areas. Our work illustrates the potential for non-traditional data sources to facilitate research and policymaking in conflict settings.
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 87.84 AFN (as of 13 MAY 2022)
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