House-to-house searches have been reported in Kabul, primarily in predominantly Tajik and Panjshiri neighborhoods. The searches began immediately following a gathering of senior police leadership in Kabul and are thought to be preemptive operations intended to reduce threats to the approaching Loya Jirga.
Several former government officials have returned to attend the much-anticipated Loya Jirga (a traditional council of elders/ulema). Sources claim that Taliban officials are concerned the assembly could get out of hand and are drafting a very focused agenda to avoid discussions that will challenge their authority. There are also major concerns about security for the event. The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense are charged with coordinating security, and initial reports indicate there has been friction between the two institutions over who will manage what. Most security concerns are focused on potential ISIS-K attempts to disrupt the proceedings, given what a tempting target the assembly will be. The jirga will take place at the Kabul Polytechnic University.
Sources embedded with Mullah Mehdi Mujahid’s forces in Sar-e-Pol province stated they were forced into the mountains by Taliban attacks in the Balkhab district and no longer hold the city. Multiple reports have come in regarding extrajudicial killings and the execution of several non-combatants, including the beheading of a 65-year-old man and the death of a pregnant woman after her house was set on fire. Dozens to hundreds of families from Balkhab have also fled into the mountains for safety and will be displaced for an indefinite amount of time. So far, the Taliban have been content to occupy the district and have not yet attempted to pursue Mehdi’s forces into the foothills. Locals are concerned that internet and cellular networks have been cut off in order to contain potential war crimes in the aftermath of the fighting.
Land reform efforts continued in Parwan province where the Ministry of Urban Development announced cases were being brought against 43 “land usurpers” in the province. Early reports suggest the accused land usurpers are overwhelmingly comprised of ethnic minorities, especially Hazaras. Claims of this nature have historically been a method of dispossessing ethnic minorities of land and redistributing it to Taliban supporters.
Considering the emphasis on security for the upcoming Loya Jirga, residents can expect a heavy presence throughout Kabul and along major transportation routes until the assembly concludes. Areas where ISIS has habitually cultivated followers will also experience higher than normal security related activities.
Afghanistan Earthquake (Interactive Map)
Following the devastating earthquake that hit Afghanistan on the night of June 21st, we are creating maps and insights into impact of the earthquake. The location of the domestic compounds is from our 2019 dataset of every domestic compound in the country. This interactive map currently shows the locations of settlements within the affected area and roads, by type. More data will be added to build it out more.
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Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 89.23 AFN (as of 27 JUN 2022)