Sources in Panjshir province provided video footage of large convoys of Taliban fighters leaving the province. Most sources agreed the reinforcements were heading to Sar-e-Pol province to join the fight against Mullah Mehdi Mujahid’s barricaded enclave in Balkhab. A source in the Palace stated the NRF is ‘pinned down’ and lacks the mobility to link up with Mehdi’s besieged forces. However, there is also a concern that the Taliban commanders and troops surrounding Balkhab are unseasoned and lack the tactical ability to take the town and either kill or arrest Mehdi. A bizarre report was released by the Ministry of Defense late in the day stating the military operation in Balkhab had concluded. However, a spokesman for Mehdi claimed they had executed a tactical withdrawal and had encircled hundreds of Taliban. Three local sources said as many as 9 non-combatants had been killed in the fighting and 4 children were wounded. We expect more details soon.
A Loya Jirga is reportedly set to take place on Thursday. A few social media rumors are circulating that the former president has returned to Kabul to take part, but we have yet to verify anything. Most analysts think this will be a dog and pony show, more for the benefit of the international community than for finding solutions in the country. Few believe the forum will result in concrete steps for settling disputes.
The Taliban, anticipating ethnic strife in both Maidan-Wardak and Bamyan provinces between Hazaras and the recently recognized Kuchi nomads, is planning to deploy units to create buffer zones between the groups. Some violence had already been reported earlier in the year between both ethnic groups and the recent land redistribution decrees are expected to foment more divisiveness. It is possible the deployment of forces is being done in anticipation of further redistribution efforts, which the Hazara community sees as a tactic to dispossess them of their property. Historically, land reform efforts have resulted in violence around the world.
The Ministry of the Interior announced plans to absorb Afghan military cadets who had been sent abroad to train with foreign militaries through exchange programs into the Taliban's internal security infrastructure. Many countries that had received Afghan students through exchange programs have signaled their intentions to repatriate the students; some will do so forcibly. Considering the internationally recognized treatment of former Afghan military personnel, this practice will almost certainly result in the deaths of some of the students and will force the remainder to serve under a regime they never signed up to defend. To our knowledge, the international community has no plans to deal with the situation.
In the aftermath of the earthquake, several high-profile aid agencies are accusing the Taliban of allowing local units to extort resources intended for their work. Supplies and money are the primary demands made by the local commanders. The racket is said to extend all the way up the chain to provincial governors and select ministers. However, the Taliban leadership claims it does not condone any interference with the implementation programs. Hearings are being scheduled in Geneva to address the issue and stricter controls will likely be put in place. Regardless, there is a growing lack of trust among international states and organizations with Kabul/Kandahar.
The UN Human Rights Council is expected to hold a meeting on the current state of women’s rights in Afghanistan. The talks are thought to be tied directly to potential aid for Afghanistan and will be used by critics of the Taliban regime as support for a continued hard-line approach with Kabul/Kandahar.
The U.S. deal with the Taliban destroyed Afghans' military morale, a new report says
By Bill Chappell – NPR
Morale across Afghanistan's military ranks was "destroyed" when then-President Trump reached a deal with the Taliban in 2020 and President Biden affirmed the U.S. withdrawal in 2021, according to a new report on the calamitous fall of the Afghan government. That dynamic is the single most important reason behind the Taliban's rapid takeover last August — but "there's a lot of blame to go around," John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, told NPR's Morning Edition.
Read the SIGAR report HERE
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Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 89.20 AFN (as of 26 JUN 2022)