Widespread flooding across several provinces has killed about 35 people in the last 24 hours. Several washed out roadways have caused disruption to vehicular traffic and crops have been badly affected. Analysts believe that approximately 7% of this year’s harvest will have been lost to floods, further exacerbating the food crisis well into next year.
A security roundup has been reported in Khost province. Large Taliban teams have been searching homes, and it is believed that several hundred people, primarily men, have been arrested. There has been no information about what may have sparked the security action, but some of the arrests may be related to yesterday’s Deputy Police Chief for Khost was killed in an ambush yesterday in an undisclosed location.
Cholera outbreaks have now been reported in 7 provinces. The running death toll from the disease is currently unknown but is thought to be over 100 across the country. While the World Health Organization is attempting to support local efforts, the information provided from the Ministry of Health has been confused at best. More deaths and further outbreaks are expected.
The United Nations Human Rights body passed a resolution condemning the Taliban for flagrant violations of women’s rights. The resolution will make the Taliban’s goal of international recognition even less likely.
The NRF released a statement in response to a Khaama Press report that there was a rumored meeting between NRF and Taliban leaders in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The NRF flatly stated that no such meeting was being planned.
In honor of the Eid al-Adha holiday, hundreds of prisoners continue to be released across the country. The Taliban claims those who have been granted freedom were suspected or convicted of petty crimes.
Concerned by Tajik reinforcements along the border, the Taliban began construction of a new border outpost across from the Darvoz district of Tajikistan. Multiple sources have previously stated that arms and ammunition have been flowing into Afghanistan from that district since January 2022. The new outpost is expected to house approximately 100 Taliban personnel.
18 Taliban were reportedly killed in the inter-Taliban firefight that occurred at the Presidential Palace yesterday.
India intends to demarche Pakistan over claims that wheat shipments that India is sending to Afghanistan are being plundered as they transit Pakistan. Sources claim that over 30 tons of wheat have been stolen by unidentified Pakistani actors. Pakistan has vehemently denied the allegations, but a diplomatic row is expected.
The bulk of the fighting over the previous 48 hours involved offensive actions exclusively by Resistance groups. While there have been indications that major offensive operations were expected to be launched after the Eid holiday, it seems that many groups have seized the initiative and begun their campaigns early. Our analysis indicates the Taliban will respond with counter-offensives starting in the next 24 hours.
What Happened to the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan?
By Grant Farr – E International Relations
On Tuesday evening May 17, 2022, a meeting took place in Ankara, Turkey at the home of Abdul Rashid Dostum – the infamous Afghan Uzbek warlord. Attending the meeting were representatives of the Hazara, Uzbek, Turkman, and Tajik ethnic groups. This meeting was to solidify support for the war against the Taliban and to bring international attention to their cause. Most of these leaders represent ethnic minorities in Afghanistan who have suffered under the Pashtun dominated Taliban (Eqbal, 2022). The attendees were mostly former leaders of the resistance against the Taliban in the 1990s. At the Ankara meeting they agreed to form a Supreme Council of National Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan (Eqbal, 2022). However, there has been little sustained active resistance to the Taliban to date, except for demonstrations in the major cities, mostly Kabul and Herat, led mostly by women (George, 2022). Could it be that an active resistance to the Taliban rule is currently being organized? And, if so, what role will the Northern Alliance play?
Readers can download the PDF article HERE
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Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 87.94 AFN (as of 09 JUL 2022)