DOHA MEETINGS – Afghanistan observers are closely watching for information concerning the US/Taliban talks that began in Qatar yesterday. Several insiders opined that the Taliban delegation would press for three priorities: 1) Recognition 2) Unfreezing funds in Switzerland 3) Lifting of the travel ban on its leaders. The US has made its position known and said that human/gender rights would be a focus as well as security. Few details from the talks have emerged but most are not expecting any significant breakthroughs.
KARZAI CONDEMNS RECENT PAKISTANI ARTILLERY STRIKES IN PAKTIKA – The artillery exchange that we reported on in the 25 July Evacuation Brief was confirmed by the former President’s office. The former President condemned the attack and called it an ‘invasion of Afghan soil’ in a strongly worded statement. According to sources, Pakistan had targeted a suspected TTP hideout and had received information from a Taliban source that a high-ranking TTP leader was meeting with other cell leaders to disburse funds and possibly plan operations. Both Islamabad and Kabul have kept quiet about the attacks and neither side has reported casualties resulting from the incident.
TALOQAN CHIEF OF POLICE DETAINED OVER RAPE CHARGES – The Taliban have reportedly arrested Mawlawi Nasrullah Huzaifa, the Chief of Police in Takhar’s capital after hearing allegations of rape by 2 women. Sources say Huzaifa was taken to Kandahar and that an investigation was underway.
US HEARINGS ON THE WITHDRAWAL DESCRIBE CHAOTIC ENVIRONMENT IN KABUL, LACK OF LEADERSHIP – The hearings held yesterday in Washington showcased testimony from senior leaders who were present during the operation that described a lack of planning and a lack of leadership that contributed to the chaos on the ground in Kabul in August 2021. The hearings clearly have a political agenda but provide those interested in what happened with insight into what was going on at the time.
COUNTER ISIS-K OPERATIONS TO CONTINUE IN AFGHANISTAN – While there have been rumors of potential counter-ISIS clearing operations in the lead-up to Muharram, yesterday’s clash in Police District 1 indicates the Taliban finally felt confident to act. There are scattered reports from other Provinces that counter-ISIS operations are being carried out by local commanders. A source in Kabul says a possible counter-ISIS operation is planned in or near Jalalabad and may have already taken place. Additional security personnel continue to man local checkpoints and patrols have increased in the major cities since Muharram began. At-risk Afghans should remain cognizant that these operations are ongoing and should try to avoid any concentration of Taliban security vehicles/personnel which could be indicative of an impending operation.
2 female climbers have been arrested without charges in Isfahan Province. Both climbers are moderately well-known athletes and it is thought they were caught up in a crackdown on artists, actors, and athletes.
A US/Iranian citizen was sentenced to over 3 years in prison in the US for operating a shipping company that violated sanctions on Iran.
An Iranian female photojournalist has won the 2023 International Women’s Media Foundation award.
The main procession for Muharram in Karachi finished yesterday and was peaceful. Police and military personnel provided significant security for the mourners.
The Supreme Court rejected a bid by former PM Khan’s attorneys to halt the ongoing corruption case and pushed back against claims by Khan’s legal team that they were expediting the case for political reasons.
The Government announced it had finalized plans for securing the Muharram observances in Rawalpindi today and tomorrow. A sizable police presence will secure the routes for the mourners.
What Makes the Taliban Ban Everything?
By Naveen Khan - The Diplomat
Perhaps the most striking feature of the Taliban regime is the ever-growing list of restrictions it has imposed on Afghanistan, arguably making the administration synonymous with bans. While reports continually highlight the practices being outlawed in the country, along with the harsh punishments for violating the restrictions, the question remains: What causes the Taliban to institute all these bans in the first place?
ICRC to Stop Supporting Govt Hospitals Due to Lack of Funds
By TOLO News
The International Committee of the Red Cross said that it will stop supporting the Afghan governmental hospitals by the end of August 2023 due to a shortage in…
Nearly 600,000 acres of usurped state land reclaimed over past year
By Ariana News
Officials at the Commission to Fight Land Grabbers said during their annual accountability report that in the past year, almost 600,000 acres of usurped…
Heavy Rains, Flash Floods Kill 47 in 11 Provinces of Afghanistan
By Fidel Rahmati - Khaama Press
“At least 47 people have died, and 57 more have been wounded due to recent flooding in Maidan Wardak, Kabul, Kunar, Pakita, Khost, Nuristan…
Pakistan's support to Taliban regime emboldens terror inside its borders: UN report
Nearly two years after the Pakistani deep state welcomed the Taliban's comeback to power in Afghanistan, the United Nations Security Council in its latest report…
Sports event organized in Jalal-Abad in memory of the fallen participants of Afghan war
By AKI Press
This sports event, dedicated to the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the Afghan War, is held annually in…
Qatar to host rare US-Taliban meeting on ‘critical interests’ in Afghanistan
By Asmahan Qarjouli - DOHA NEWS
Qatar is hosting a rare meeting between officials from the United States and the Taliban-led Afghan administration this week to address Afghanistan’s…
Bill to Refund US Citizens Aiding Afghan Evacuees Makes Progress in House
By Gulalai Hakim - TOLO News
A US House Foreign Affairs Committee press release said committee chairman Michael McCaul "applauds the passage of the bill to refund money spent by…
‘Confusing At Best’: Retired Colonel Says No One Was In Charge Of Afghanistan Withdrawal
By Micaela Burrow - The Daily Caller
A retired Army colonel said Thursday that the lack of a leader directing the military and State Department actions on the ground during the Afghanistan withdrawal created…
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 85.45 AFN (as of 28 JUL 2023)