REMINDER: The Afghan Digest will be disrupted for several days as the new publishing team takes over and determines its writing/publishing rhythm. Nothing will change with your subscriptions and there is no need to take any action. As always, we appreciate your patience and support as we work through the transition.
PAKISTAN AND IRAN AGREE TO TALKS – The Foreign Ministers of both countries spoke over the phone and agreed to de-escalate the current tensions and to discuss future joint operations to deal with terrorism threats both claim they face from the other’s territory. Both countries are expected to return their respective Ambassadors and further discussions are expected soon.
WORLD TO THE TALIBAN “FORM AN INCLUSIVE GOVERNMENT” – Nobody is buying the Taliban’s talking points about having already formed an inclusive government. Yesterday, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov brought up the subject during his Ministry’s annual press briefing. In his remarks, he admits the Taliban are the defacto rulers but reiterated that they would not be recognized without fulfilling this commitment. Even nations like China, who attempt to abide by a non-interference policy in domestic affairs have never relented on this point. Kandahar, for its part, seems willing to simply wait out the demand and continues to cling to the lie that the government already is inclusive. Many in the international community had hung their hopes on this version of the Taliban being ‘different’ but those hopes seem to be mere fantasy as the recalcitrant stance in Kandahar has been unyielding.
IRANIAN AUTHORITIES TELL CITIZENS TO BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR AFGHAN TERRORIST – The Ministry of Intelligence in Tehran has announced that an Afghan national, Adel Arif, was on the loose in Iran and had recently been spotted in Western Tehran. Ministry officials said Arif (aka Adel Panjshiri) had been serving a death sentence in Afghanistan under the previous regime for having been involved in the deadly Kabul University bombing in 2020. He was released when the Taliban turned out all prisoners being held in 2021. Arif is said to have been recruited by ISIS-K years ago and is thought to have been involved in the Kerman bombings earlier this month. Iranian officials are asking citizens to report any possible encounters with the man.
ONLY 1 CROSSING LEFT OPERATIONAL ON PAKISTAN/AFGHANISTAN BORDER – Trade groups announced late yesterday that only the Ghulam Khan border crossing remains operational and that the other four are closed (Torkham, Spin Boldak, Dand-e-Patan, and Angur Ada). The economic consequences of the forced trade closure have not yet been realized but economists are predicting a very difficult situation for Afghanistan in the coming year. Pakistan will also suffer from the loss of trade but is better positioned to weather a prolonged stand-off. Commercial entities in Kabul are demanding the Taliban find alternative trade routes and most see Chabahar Port as the most likely alternative but it is not clear how quickly agreements can be made with Iran to shift exports/imports.
BOSNIAN OFFICIALS ARREST 4 AFGHAN NATIONALS IN KIDNAPPING/RANSOM SCHEME – Bosnia said it had apprehended four Afghan nationals who had kidnapped Iranian and Swiss nationals in Sarajevo and who were being held for a ransom of approximately $19,500. Some accounts say that the ransom for those who were held had been paid to an unknown agent outside of the country. All of those who had been held by the kidnappers are safe. The four Afghans are being charged for various offenses and one has been linked to a possible murder in a relocation camp in late 2023.
Intelligence officials say they killed two ISIS-K operatives in a recent operation and that some Iranian losses were taken during the clearing operations.
Leaders of the regime in Tehran have been calling on citizens to vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Many groups pledging to boycott the ‘sham’ elections.
In a show of force, Iran launched a series of air defense exercises yesterday along its coastline.
The regime appealed to the Supreme Court to invalidate a November 2023 ruling by the Islamabad High Court that declared the ‘jail trial’ for former PM Imran Khan was illegal. It is not clear when a ruling may take place.
Police in Faisalabad arrested another PTI party leader for suspected involvement in the 9 May riots. Khayal Ahmad Kastro was taken into custody yesterday.
Weekly inflation rates rose again and now stand at 44.64%. Economists say that recent commodity fluctuations pushed prices higher and also thought that the trade stand-off with Afghanistan could further fan the inflation flames next week.
The Great And The Good In Davos Ignore Afghanistan At Their Peril – Analysis
By Luke Coffey - EurAsia Review
The world’s leaders, policymakers, commentators, and other movers and shakers gathered in the Swiss mountain town of Davos last week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. On top of the agenda were some of the world’s most pressing geopolitical issues: Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Hamas, China and Taiwan, trade and economics, energy security, and global shipping.
Women, girls arrested by Taliban in Balkh, women’s movement reports
The women’s movement in northern Afghanistan has reported the arrest of several women and girls by the Taliban in Balkh…
Afghan girl’s dream of becoming doctor crushed by forced marriage
By Fidel Rahmati - Khaama Press
International organizations are aware that early and forced marriages, as well as the sale of underage girls in the name of marriage, are ongoing issues in…
Two journalists arrested in Kabul by Taliban
By Siyar Sirat - AMU TV
Two journalists, Ahmad Jawad Rasouli and Abdulhaq Hamidi, were arrested by Taliban intelligence in Kabul on Thursday, Jan. 18, the Afghanistan Journalists Center…
Trade with Central Asia comes to a halt
By The Express Tribune
Trade between Pakistan and Central Asian countries has come to a standstill owing to the closure of five border crossings adjacent…
Kakar Claims Foreign Troops' Weapons in Afghanistan Sold in Black Markets
By TOLO News
The Prime Minister of the Pakistani caretaker government, Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, said that the weapons left from the foreign troops in Afghanistan are being…
Kabul University attack mastermind found in Iran, linked to Kerman bloodshed
By Fidel Rahmati - Khaama Press
Despite being sentenced to execution by the previous Afghan government, Adel Arif was released from Bagram Prison following the Taliban’s resurgence in…
US Admits Sending $40 Million Weekly to Afghanistan Amid Controversy
By Fidel Rahmati - Khaama Press
The U.S. Department of State has confirmed that it sends $80 million in cash to Afghanistan under Taliban control every 10 to…
Afghan National Flees to Kabul to Evade Canadian Auto Theft Charges
By Khaama Press
In a recent unveiling by Crime Stoppers, Mansor Abdul, a 34-year-old Afghan national, has been identified as a key figure in a major auto theft ring in Canada, now seeking refuge in Kabul to…
Kabir: Wide Interaction with the World is Essentially Recognition
By Fatema Adeeb - TOLO News
The Deputy PM for Political Affairs, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, says that although there is no official announcement, the world recognizes the…
“Uh….no.” TAD Staff
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 72.19 AFN (as of 20 JAN 2024)