Daily Evacuation Brief | February 28, 2022
Daily news about Afghanistan and the surrounding region powered by Operation Snow Leopard
Threat Analysis
Taliban officials stated that evacuations from Afghanistan would no longer be carried out and gave the excuse that ‘situations abroad’ must improve for refugees before they would allow additional flights to be planned. Diplomatic sources in Kabul stated the proclamation had more to do with stalled international recognition efforts than conditions for Afghan refugees abroad. Effectively, evacuees are being used as bargaining chips to secure international recognition of the new regime.
Chaman ate has reopened on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border for normal traffic.
Most countries will not process a visa application if an Afghan national is using a service (government employee) or diplomatic passport.
Taliban security at the airport in Kabul may now include doctors who will be inspecting the authenticity of medical visas issued to travelers. As of this printing, only Kabul International Airport is thought to have this capability.
Districts 10, 11, 15, and 17 will be the focus of searches by security forces, who are reportedly looking for Tajiks.
Security forces are expected to continue searches in Kabul. As of this printing, we do not yet have details on the districts that will be targeted. At-risk Afghans are advised to limit travel and to ensure all documents and cell phone communications are secured.
Afghan and Pakistan officials are expected to meet at the Torkham Gate crossing to discuss security issues along the border and an expansion of economic trade between the countries. Security is expected to be heavy, and the talks are an obvious target for groups like ISIS-K or the TTP. Afghans are advised to avoid the area if possible.
As a part of our ongoing efforts to provide at-risk Afghans with pertinent and security related information, we at the Afghan Digest will periodically post tools, documents, and information which can assist with situational awareness.
The people at Mapping Insurgencies have developed a near real-time database that maps updated Taliban Security checkpoints. Currently, they only provide locations in and around Kabul but hope to expand their efforts as vetted information is supplied. The map is curated, and checkpoint locations are updated periodically. Be advised the information may be delayed or inaccurate at times, but it is a valuable resource for those in Kabul who may feel the need to avoid checkpoints.
The map can be accessed for free at: MapHub.net Afghanistan
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 91.53 AFN (as of 28 FEB 2022)
Afghan News
Dozens arrested, arms seized in Kabul operation: IEA
By Ariana News
Dozens of people have been arrested in a cleanup operation in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul that began two days ago, government officials said…
Former Mayor Zarifa Ghafari Returns to Afghanistan
By TOLO News
Zarifa Ghafari, the former mayor of Maidan Shahr in Maidan Wardak province, has returned to…
Students Concerned With Shortage of Public University Professors
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Students at public universities in Kabul expressed concerns about the shortage of instructors. Also female…
Regional News
Afghan-Pak Chaman crossing reopens after four days
By Najibullah Lalzoy – Khaama Press
Local officials of the southern Kandahar province said that the Chaman crossing in the Spin Boldak district of the…
Amid lack of business-friendly policies, Pak-Afghan trade volume shrinks to USD 1 billion
Amid lack of business-friendly policies and absence of barter trade, the Pakistan-Afghanistan trade volume had shrunk…
International News Relating to Afghanistan
European Union reacts to the Taliban’s home search operations calling it a crime
By Khaama Press
The European Union Ambassador to Afghanistan reacted to the Taliban’s home search operations calling it a crime and…
Galway community welcomes 10 Afghan citizens into their homes
By Ellen O’Donoghue – The Irish Times
After watching Kabul fall to the Taliban in August, a Galway community was determined to do something to…
The Absurdity of the Day
Taliban Defend Door-to-door Searches in Kabul, Bar Future Evacuations of Afghans
By Ayaz Gul – VOA
The Taliban Sunday defended a controversial widespread house-to-house search operation in and around…
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