PAKISTAN REPORTEDLY ARRESTS MASTERMIND OF THE DERA ISMAIL KHAN TERROR ATTACK – Yesterday, members of the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) said they had arrested 9 men who were all involved in the deadly terror attack that killed over 20 Pakistani policemen earlier this month. Among those arrested are said to be 6 Afghan citizens. In the security operation, CTD agents were able to recover significant supplies of arms and ammunition as well as cell phones. Some of the weapons recovered were said to be of US manufacture.
CSTO WORKING GROUP MEETS TO DISCUSS STRENGTHENING SECURITY ALONG TAJIK/AFGHAN BORDER – A special working group of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) focused on strengthening security along several points along the Afghanistan/Tajikistan border met yesterday for the first time. The initial focus was to examine the legalities and treaty obligations of members that will be needed to begin reinforcing the Tajikistan side of the line. A source in Kabul said that Ministers were surprised that the CSTO was moving so quickly and expressed concerns that Kabul and Kandahar were not being kept informed of the security situation on the Afghanistan side of the border. The Ministry of Defense is reportedly considering sending a team to inspect the border and find out why Dushanbe is so concerned.
LOCALS IN JAWZJAN PROVINCE REPUTEDLY ‘BEAT’ A HIJAB ENFORCEMENT OFFICER – One of the Ministry of Vice and Virtue’s ‘Hijab Cops’ was reportedly accosted and physically assaulted after he attempted to shame a woman for a dress code infraction. The man, said to be named Malawi Ehsanullah, was taken to Jawzjan City Hospital for treatment.
BALOCH LONG MARCHERS FACE ARRESTS – After the marchers reached Islamabad, several clashes with police took place and over 200 protestors were reputedly arrested on various charges. It is not clear if any injuries were sustained by either side during the scuffles. The police released the majority of the female/children protestors that had been rounded up.
KUNAR RIVER DAM SEEN AS A RIPOSTE TO PAKISTAN’S DEPORTATION OPERATION – While there have been many proposals to erect a dam along the Kunar River over the years, the project never really got off the ground. However, in the wake of the highly polarizing deportation operation being carried out by Pakistan, the project has gained new life and several civic groups are offering to fund a portion of the construction of the dam. The Taliban reportedly had considered the project shortly after taking control in Kabul but ultimately shelved it due to the high costs.
TRIBAL VIOLENCE IN KHOST COULD CONTINUE – Unconfirmed reports of clashes between two unidentified tribes in the Zazi Maidan District of Khost have resulted in 21 casualties. At least 1 person was killed and the others suffered various injuries. The squabble was reputedly related to a land dispute and sources in Kabul said that further violence could take place as the situation had not been resolved.
Political leaders call for an investigation after the recent security breach that paralyzed the nation’s petrol station payment system.
Israel claims it has defeated an Iranian effort to recruit spies on social media. Israeli security officials said they had discovered the plot on multiple social media platforms.
Another attempt to pass a budget has met with failure after the majority of parliamentarians voted to oppose the President’s latest offering. The budget is fast becoming an embarrassment for Raisi and the old guard.
A United Nations employee from Afghanistan was robbed while visiting a hospital in Karachi. The thieves claimed they were police officials when they stopped the vehicle the man was traveling in.
The acting PM, Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar reiterated his commitment to holding national elections on 8 February during remarks he made in an interview yesterday. Sources say that the caretaker regime is using every opportunity to affirm its commitment to holding elections in an effort to undermine rampant disinformation on social media.
Members of the former Prime Minister, Imran Khan’s political party are again accusing the regime of keeping their leader from standing in the upcoming elections. Party members say the regime is using ‘unfair’ tactics to keep Khan contained.
U.N. Engagement in Afghanistan
By Kanni Wingaraja - USIP
While some parts of the Afghan economy managed to stabilize in 2023, poverty continued to increase and now stands at 69 percent of the population. Kanni Wignaraja, director for Asia and the Pacific at the U.N. Development Programme, discusses UNDP’s efforts to build resilience in local markets and promote women-owned enterprises in Afghanistan; explores ways to navigate relations with the Taliban; and examines how the decline in international aid is affecting humanitarian efforts in the country.
UN to investigate reports of girls studying in Taliban-controlled religious school in Afghanistan
By Fidel Rahmati - Khaama Press
The United Nations is actively investigating reports indicating that Afghanistan’s Taliban regime is permitting girls of all ages to attend Islamic religious schools, which have traditionally been…
Taliban orders review of university libraries for ‘ideological content’
By Milad Sayar - AMU TV
The Taliban, through the Ministry of Higher Education, has issued an order for the review and removal of books from private university libraries that contradict Hanafi jurisprudence, political books, and…
‘Dying every two hours’: Afghan women risk life to give birth
By Aysha Safi & Pascale Trouillaud - AFP
Zubaida travelled from the rural outskirts of Khost in eastern Afghanistan to give birth at a maternity hospital specialising in…
Acting Defense Minister Warns Against Countries Pretending to Be Friends
By TOLO News
The acting Defense Minister, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, said that some countries acting as friends are seeking to drive Afghanistan towards…
Some Afghan women turn to Iran for education following Taliban’s university ban
By Zabibullah Doorandish - AMU TV
Some Afghan women turn to Iran for education following Taliban’s university ban…
Islamic Emirate Reacts to UN Security Council Meeting on Afghanistan
By TOLO News
The Islamic Emirate’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, in reaction to the UN Security Council meeting said that the current achievements in the…
US Envoys React to 1 Year Passing Since Women Banned From Universities
By TOLO News
Coinciding with the one-year ban on girls from universities, the US representatives for Afghanistan on their X pages have emphasized the need for girls' access to…
Yaqoob Mujahid says no basic development was carried out over 20 years
By Ariana News
Acting Minister of National Defense Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid said Thursday that no fundamental development was carried out in…
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 69.94 AFN (as of 22 DEC 2023)