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The Taliban cleared up concerns over a purported US drone strike the other day. They claimed the explosion was caused by the detonation of a stockpile of landmines. This is likely truthful given the frequency with which children have perished when playing with mines.
A high-level Taliban visit to Bamyan occurred after women protesting for girls’ education defaced Taliban propaganda banners during a pro-Taliban rally. It is believed that some of the women who participated in the protests have been detained and interrogated.
The Taliban is reported to have gone back into the Andarab district with air assets in order to attack suspected NRF positions. The air assets were reinforced by a ground convoy of vehicles and fighters. Sporadic fighting has been reported, and the Taliban have been filmed conducting house-to-house searches in the area.
The AFF claims it has launched three coordinated operations against the Taliban. The group has provided video and audio of fighting that they claim have been recorded by its fighters in these engagements. Other sources have confirmed the sound of gunfire and small explosions in two of the locations. If true, at-risk Afghans should be wary of traveling in the following areas:
Jabal Saraj district of Parwan
Dara-e-Suf district of Samangan
Baharak district of Badakhshan
The Passport Directorate has stated they will begin processing applications again within 24 hours with a goal of issuing 2,000 passports per day from the Central Department.
Fighting in the Andarab district between Taliban and NRF forces is expected to intensify. Contact is likely in Banu and Pol-e-Hesar areas, and more air activity is likely over the coming week. Travelers should be wary in and around the region.
It is possible the operations claimed to have been launched by the AFF could continue and the areas affected by the fighting should be avoided.
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 88.23 AFN (as of 9 APR 2022)
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