Following Russia’s lead, China has now accepted the Taliban’s diplomatic representative in Beijing.
A reputed assassination attempt was made on Deputy Chief of Police Mawlavi Abdul Rashid Reshad in Badakhshan province. Reshad escaped serious injury when a bomb attached to his vehicle exploded. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the action.
As previously reported, the Taliban held meetings on the deteriorating security situation in the North. The talks involved Qari Fasihuddin who is currently listed as a Chief of Staff for the IEA and is known as the Conqueror of Panjshir. Taliban forces are thought to have suffered significant casualties in the region over the past several days. We expect to see a more significant response from Kabul soon.
The Ministry of Education is preparing to send a commission to some of the Northern provinces to investigate reports of several community-led initiatives to reopen girls’ schools. Sources indicated the commissions are not expected to be punitive but want to observe how the projects are working locally. However, the schools represent a direct challenge to Taliban authority, and organizers could face repercussions.
Respected polling organization Gallup released the results of recent global immigration trends and a special country report on Afghanistan. Afghans lead the world when it comes to citizens wanting to depart their country with 53% of those polled saying they want to leave their country permanently. The bulk of the statistical data was compiled in late 2021, and the current numbers are thought to be significantly higher.
Key points of interest:
A record-high 53% of Afghans said they want to leave
56% of men, 50% of women would go
Afghans eye Turkey, Germany, Canada and U.S. as next stops
Gallup's Migrant Acceptance Index was largely born out of reaction to the migrant crisis that swept Europe in 2015. Amid the backlash against migrants, Gallup developed the index to gauge people's acceptance of migrants, not only in Europe, but throughout the rest of the world.
Since Gallup's first measure of people's acceptance of migrants in 2016 and 2017, and the signing of the Global Compact on Migration in 2018, people's acceptance of migrants has declined globally, and people are even further apart in some countries than they were before. These divides underscore the challenges that remain as the world, and the future of migration policy, both try to find their footing in the post-COVID-19-pandemic world.
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 88.47 AFN (as of 5 APR 2022)
Afghan News
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Regional News
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International News
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The Absurdity of the Day
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