TALIBAN LEADERSHIP SHAKEUP LIKELY – Sources in both Kandahar and Kabul say several Ministers and Directors will be replaced soon. Apparently, personal loyalties are driving the changes and Kandahar is worried it could be threatened by the younger generation of leaders concentrated in Kabul. A source close to the situation in Kandahar says the Supreme Leader is losing the support of formerly stalwart supporters in the rural areas over his gender bans. The source said that not a week goes by without a visiting delegation from a rural ulema arriving in Kandahar to request a reversal of the unpopular decrees. While the Taliban have held things together so far, there is clearly a rift over the direction the country should take. While at first glance, the schism is seemingly generational, many of the local leaders are from Akhundzada’s generation and they are now openly critical of his Deobandist policies. Perhaps lending credence to this source-based reporting, a deputy spokesman (Bilal Karimi) announced that the cabinet change could take place (story below). A US government official said the changes could signal the regime may be taking steps to appoint more ethnic minorities in order to appease regional calls to form a more inclusive government. A European security official said the moves are likely an effort to remove culpable Taliban officials who have been stealing large sums of the economic aid funding in order to save the regime some embarrassment.
OPPOSITION PARTIES MEET IN VIENNA – 30 political figures representing civil society, the Resistance, business interests, and activists convened for the first day of meetings in the Austrian capital yesterday. A joint statement is expected later today.
DEADLY BLAST IN KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA POLICE STATION – At least 12 are dead and scores injured after a blast at a Counter Terrorism Department Station in Swat, Pakistan on Monday. Initial reports suggested it was a terror attack but officials were quick to say that the blast was actually caused by ordinance stored at the station (mortar shells and ammunition). Regardless, security forces across the Province have been placed on high alert and an investigation has begun.
BRITISH GOVERNMENT CONCERNED OVER DETAINED AID WORKER’S HEALTH – Family, friends, and co-workers of Kevin Cornwell, one of three Britons currently detained in Afghanistan are worried his health is deteriorating and issued another call for his release. Mr. Cornwell suffers from kidney issues and is in need of medical attention. He was arrested after Taliban members searched a hotel where he and other aid workers were staying and discovered a gun in a safe. The weapon was registered and did not belong to him but the Taliban saw fit to arrest him regardless.
In a move seen as embarrassing for the regime, citizens are volunteering to guard girls’ schools. Social media is awash with photos and videos of parents sitting in chairs around the entrances to the schools. The moves were endorsed by the Teachers Union.
The petroleum worker strike has amped up and has spread to 32 cities. It is not yet clear how the strikes have affected either domestic or export production yet.
The Iranian Defense Minister and Intelligence Chief are in Moscow for meetings with counterparts from Russia, Turkey, and Iraq.
Government economists called on the IMF to release the multi-billion dollar bailout loan ‘immediately’ in order to deal with a potential inflation spike.
3 terror suspects were killed during a counter-terrorism operation in Lakki Marwat District (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa). Pakistani security forces reported that 2 of its members were wounded. It was not clear which terror group the men may have belonged to.
A Government Minister (Marriyum Aurangzeb) attempted to quell rumors the PM is lobbying for a vote of confidence from Parliament. Several news outlets released reports suggesting that MPs had been approached by those loyal to the PM about a possible referendum.
Zan Times exclusive: How the Taliban pilfer humanitarian aid
By Mahsa Elham/Sana Atef/Sayed Hashemi - ZAN Times
Zan Times interviewed 42 sources, including local officials and employees of aid organizations, local residents, community elders, civil and social activists in the provinces of Kabul, Kandahar, Bamyan, Jawzjan, Daikundi, Samangan, Ghor and Herat. (We used pseudonyms to protect the identities of the interviews.) Our sources reveal a disturbingly consistent pattern: large amounts of humanitarian aid are being taken from those who need it most, or distributed based on a population’s political, ethnic, regional, and sectarian affiliations to the Taliban and their allies, including religious leaders. In effect, this aid has become a source of funding for the Taliban and its supporters.
Efforts being made to improve the current cabinet: IEA
By Ariana News
The deputy spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) says while there are no problems with the current structure of…
Islamic Emirate Policies Are Not Under Anyone’s Influence: Muttaqi
By Shamsurrahman Khpalwak - TOLO News
“Afghanistan has moderate policies today, an economic-centric policy, so that this country, after 40 to 45 years of chaos, is moving…
Poets gather in Nangarhar for Sikaram Mushaira festival
The “Sikaram Mushaira” was held on Sunday evening in the Pachiragam district of the province to promote the…
Top Afghanistan officials affirm Iran’s rights to Helmand water
By Tehran Times
Speaking with IRNA, Amir Abdollahian noted that the Iranian Foreign Ministry engaged in serious discussions with the caretaker and interim Afghan rulers…
10 Killed, Over 20 Injured in ‘Suicide Attack’ on Swat CTD Police Station
By Fidel Rahmati - Khaama Press
At least 10 policemen were killed, and more than 20 others were injured in a “suicide attack on a police station in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province…
By Malanie Goodfellow - Deadline
Afghan director Sahra Mani’s documentary Bread and Roses, capturing the experiences of her country women living under the Taliban since…
Death of detained UN paramedic 'would have severe impact' on Afghanistan, warns mediator
By Gillian Duncan - The National News
A British man being held in Afghanistan is seriously unwell and in need of immediate hospital treatment due to “life-threatening” kidney issues, according to…
By Sahara Reporters
The President of United States, Joe Biden, pressurised former Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani, to create a "perception" that the government could beat the Taliban, a shocking transcript of a call obtained by…
Afghani to the Dollar: $1 – 86.38 AFN (as of 25 APR 2023)